Water Tank Cleaning Services in Delhi – tanksafaa.com
Water Tank Cleaning Services in Delhi – tanksafaa.com
Water Tank Cleaning Services in Delhi – tanksafaa.com
Water Tank Cleaning Services in Delhi – tanksafaa.com
Water Tank Cleaning Services in Delhi – tanksafaa.com
Water Tank Cleaning Services in Delhi – tanksafaa.com
  • October 17, 2023 3:54 pm
  • East Delhi, Delhi

Reliable Services by the name of tanksafaa.com provides mechanized water tank cleaning with the experience of last 7 years. Your trust has been with us for more than 7 years. We have been living in East Delhi since 2007 and till July 2015, he was constantly worried about the health of his family because the water they were using for bathing, brushing teeth and washing hands, etc. It was a compulsion to use sealed/RO water.
The only solution was to clean the tanks regularly, but the cleaning person who entered the tank himself became dirty. He will remain there wearing dirty smelly clothes and chewing paan. Looking at him, they often wondered whether he was cleaning their tank or perhaps giving them some skin disease.
In fact he did not feel like bathing in the water from the tank which he had got cleaned because of the person who had entered it. It is against this backdrop that we decided to take matters into our own hands. After a lot of research, they brought modern machines and cleaned their tanks themselves.


S 96, school block , shakarpur, Delhi 110092,110092,East Delhi,Delhi